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3D Technology- The Good vs. The Bad

3D technology is here with us, with its immense ability this new technology has enabled anyone with access to some 3D printer and some good internet connection to summon anything they want into existence. Though 3D printing has always been there since 1984 it was never made available until early 2010. The technology better known as additive manufacturing is now within reach to both small and medium-sized business contrary to when it was reserved for the giant companies.

3D printing entails using a special printer to create some three-dimensional object from digital rendering where the successive layers of the material to be formed are laid down in different shapes. The process which has been useful in the fields of architecture, aerospace and even the automotive field tends to utilize foam, paper or sheet metal when printing.

For such a startling and amazing innovation the possibilities tend to be limitless, in its application this form of printing brings out both the good and bad side. Let’s look at some of them.

The good

With 3D printing one, there is faster manufacturing speed associated with it after the initial outlay. With 3D printing, a user is always able to design the object down to minute specifications.

Over the years the vast field of medicine has undergone some serious technological developments one of them being the art of 3D printing. With this technology, physicians can now manufacture customized body parts or organs via the replication of the human DNA. This, in turn, would solve the problem of organ donation.

3D printing is super eco-friendly. This is because this form of printing is referred to as additive manufacturing compared to the traditional subtractive manufacturing. When it comes to matters going green, 3D printing doesn’t require many systems or resources neither does it pollute the air.

The bad

Copyright infringement

3D printing has become more popular and less expensive; this often leads to people manufacturing objects whose designs belong to someone else. This will often to lead to more lawsuits in the chambers.

Fewer jobs

With 3D printing, it won’t be long before each and every household custom designing their own, be it shoes, clothes, and even household products. It may sound good, but what then happens to the industries and personnel who produce these services?

Unlawful /illegal items

Though most people would utilize 3D printing to enhance their lives there are those who tend to use this form of printing to manufacture illegal or harmful items for instance guns.


The modern 3D printers can only produce small products, though there is immense progress in making bigger machines, for now, we have to stick with small sized 3D printed objects.


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