Before starting up your own business you should have to understand the ins and outs of the industry. The potential of running a printing business is lucrative especially if you have the right equipment. Identify the market that you will be serving before even thinking of the kind of equipment to procure. Research and cherry-pick the printing tools that meets the objective of the business.
So, what equipment do you need to start your own printing business?
Undoubtedly the most important equipment you will ever need in your printing business is the printer. The kind of printer that you will be acquiring depends on the kind of printing that you plan to achieve. Basic printers are divided into laser, inkjet, offset and screen.
- Extra wide sign label inkjet printer to print vinyl signs.
- Screen printer is required to print shirts.
- Laser printer if you are printing business cards.
- Offset printing is suitable for large volume of high-quality documents (lower the cost of the printing)
Design Software
As mentioned above, your choice of equipment depends on the need of your business, so is the design software. You may need a simple program for uncomplicated design and documents to sophisticated design software for graphic designs like the 3D design.
Cutting Equipment
You will need to have good cutting equipment for your printing business.
- Hydraulic cutter or hand operated cutter is used to cut cards, e.g. business cards.
- Vinyl cutting machines are used to cut letters and graphics from adhesive back vinyl.
Binding Machine
Binder machine is used to bind sheets of papers together like magazines and booklets. And there are different kinds of binders out in the market. Just pick the ones that are practical for your printing business.
Remember to have enough inventories of the materials used for your printing business from vinyl signs to business cards and a variety of supplies to meet your customers’ need.