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8 Step Freezer Paper Printing Tips

Freezer paper is the type of material that is used for purposes of freezing food. It usually has a
paper side on the top and a shiny one on the bottom. Freezer paper printing comes in very handy when you need to print graphics on fabrics. Freezer paper helps you avoid printer jams, which can be an issue of concern when you do not prepare your fabric properly for the printing process. Freezer paper is inexpensive and easy to use and best of all, it can be re-used over and over again. For freezer paper printing, it is appropriate for use on standard fabric such as cotton or silks or on hard to use fabric such as burlap.

How to use freezer paper printing

If you already understand how to print on regular paper, then you should not have any issue
using freezer paper. Nowadays, freezer paper is conveniently sized which makes it easy to just
pop it in your inkjet printer so that you can transfer your favorite image. You should always
place the shiny side down before you print your image.

Change the printing options box

If you typically use regular A4 paper for freezer paper printing, be sure to change the printing option box. You need to also adjust the clips that secure your paper in the printer’s tray so that they can fit properly. Remember to change the options back when you revert to using A4 paper.

Printing on a laser printer

If you are planning on using your freezer paper with your inkjet printer, be careful because laser
printers have a tendency to get hot. Therefore, you must always use protection to ensure that the printed version comes out seamlessly.

Multi-part designs with freezer paper

When using your freezer paper with a multi-part graphic design, it is always a good idea to iron
the largest part onto the fabric in the position that you want it to be and then try and position the smaller pieces later. When positioning, arrange your parts from largest to smallest and once
every part of the design is in place, you can iron it properly to make certain everything is as it
should be.

Prevent freezer paper curling

You can prevent your freezer paper from curling or fold up by using a heavy object such as a
heavy paperback book for a few hours before finally printing. If you want to use your freezer
paper immediately, consider flattening with an iron box before feeding it into your printer.
Alternatively, you can iron the freezer paper with the shiny side down to a piece of regular
printing paper to stiffen and flatten it.

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