Making your own DIY printable photo frames can not only be a fun DIY project but it can also
be a rewarding one considering that photo frames can be quite expensive. A well made DIY
photo frame can improve the appearance of your photos and artwork, and it can also save you
money in the end.
Most frames available for purchase come in standard sizes, so if you have something to frame
that does not fit into a standard frame, a DIY printable photo frame can also be a good option for you. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to possess arcane DIY skills to make a perfect photo frame. Here are some DIY printable photo frame tips that can help:
Ensure your measurements as accurate as possible
The first task you will have to deal with is to generate the measurements for your frame. When
taking your measurements initially, it is essential to make sure that they are as accurate as
possible. The key to ensuring that your new frame is cut correctly is to get the mitered corner
measured and cut correctly. Each of the opposite sides of the frames from top to bottom and side to side should have the exact same length all through. If the lengths are unequal, you will more than likely have a gap in the corner of your new frame that could ruin its appearance.
Getting the right angle
To get the right angle for your DIY frame, you can make use of a miter gauge, as well as a
backing board that will guarantee that you get the angle that you need. A builder’s square can
also, be used to arrange all your final pieces as it will notify you if the measurements are aligned and correct before any permanent nailing or gluing can be done.
Pick the right artwork or photos
When picking your photographs or artwork, pick colors in the pictures that will match your style
or décor. Look for images that contain complimentary tones or alter them using accessible
software such as Lightroom and Photoshop to make them fit your theme. If you plan on using a
collection of different colored and textured printable photo frames, use black and white images
to keep your collection from appearing chaotic or cluttered.
Try thrift stores
If you do not have any interesting artwork or photographs to frame, consider giving thrift stores
in your area a try. They usually have a section with plenty of pictures and artwork to choose
from, as well as a range of vintage designs that you can emulate if you need a little inspiration.